Definitions for Class Enrollment Monitoring Report

The Class Enrollment Monitoring report shows all class sections with current enrollment as well as several related indicators. Unlike the general student class schedule on the web, this report includes classes which do not display for students, but have enrollment (usually independent study). Also included are stop-enrollment sections that already have students enrolled.

On the first of line for each course, the DARS degree planner figures and the overall course demand projection numbers are provided. These figures are a count of distinct students and do not include counts for sub-sections (labs/activities).

Degree Planner totals: Total students having indicated a plan to take this course for the given term. This is a count of distinct students planning to take the course and does not count extra seats for sub-sections (labs/activities). These numbers are not adjusted for students who may have left the institution or will be leaving before the projected term and so thus could be overstated.
It should be noted that new students will not likely have a degree plan before their first term.

Course Proj Demand: This is the projected course seat demand from the comprehensive IE projection model. For courses that are new or have unusual enrollment patterns, this may not be as useful as the other indicators in this report.

Prior Course Enrl: Total course enrollment (main components) for one year prior.

Prior Course Sects: Number of enrolled sections for one year prior.

Sect: Class section number.

Cap: Enrollment capacity set for the class section. For lecture/lab courses, compare the total of the lecture components (bolded) against the projected demand.

Enr: Current (as of date at top of page) enrollment for the class section. For lecture/lab courses, compare the total of the lecture components (bolded) against the total capacity. Class enrollment values preceeded by S* indicate that enrollment activity has been halted for that section.

Rsvrd: Number of seats reserved for later registrants.

Avail: Seats remaining available at this time.

Wait-list total: Total currently waitlisted

X-list Tot Enr: Total cross-listed sections group enrollment limit and currently enrolled. These figures are taken from the Combined Sections set up in PeopleSoft.

Est WTU: Estimated WTUs based on current enrollment - If blank then no enrollment or C-78 mode
For cross-listed classes that are online, WTUs do not adjust unless an APDB override code is entered. This is not usually done until closer to census reporting.

Dates:If a class does not meet for the full term, this shows the specific meeting dates.