Summer 2015 Schedule/Catalog Audits for Extension
audit_index2153E report generated: 19-AUG-15
Audit Report
Scheduleinvalid_mode04Class Component or sched CS Number(mode) missing or not valid for courseCritical

sect_modecomp19Class Component Type not valid for mode of instructionCritical

instr_missing54Enrolled class sections missing instructorsCritical

wrkld_err58Classes with instructor Work Load in error or not setCritical

c78_wtu59Mode C-78 with invalid work loadCritical

incomplete_mtg62Incomplete meeting info - missing room, days, or timesCritical

inact_sect_instr68Inactive class sections with instructors assignedCritical

meettimes101Invalid class START and/or END timesWarning

dates_audit102Class or Meeting Dates not aligned correctlyWarning

auto_calc108Auto Calc for work load not turned onWarning

overcap_req110Requested Room Capacity is greater than room capacityWarning

overcap_class111Class Enrollment Limit is greater than room capacityWarning

sess_acadorg114Session and Academic Org not alignedWarning

online_cm116Classes with ONLINE attribute or ONL room that do not have FONL attributeWarning

ptrm_prime103Partial term meetings occurring Mon-Fri between 0800 and 1700Informational

hybrid_all105Hybrid and Online Class detailsInformational

facassign_non106Faculty asignments NOT Included in workloadInformational
Catalogcat_modecomp203Component Type not valid for mode of instructionCritical

sfactor_highenrl204S-Factor Classes with high enrollment (>8)Warning