Critical prior to Schedule-25 room assignments
audit_index2253M report generated: 10-FEB-25 | ||||
Category | Audit Report | Ref# | Description | Records |
Catalog | instr_edit_crse | 23 | Instructor Edit value set incorrectly in COURSE | 2 |
Critical prior to start of registration
audit_index2253M report generated: 10-FEB-25 | ||||
Category | Audit Report | Ref# | Description | Records |
Catalog | modeunits_sum | 202 | Courses with units not matching sum of component units | 3 |
Catalog | cat_modecomp | 203 | Component Type not valid for mode of instruction | 1 |
Catalog | crse_clev_err | 206 | Invalid CLEV value for Course | 1 |
Academic Planning Audits
audit_index2253M report generated: 10-FEB-25 | ||||
Category | Audit Report | Ref# | Description | Records |
Schedule | planned_class_missing | 71 | Planned class offerings (from course rotation) not found | 35 |
Catalog | crse_rotation_missing | 211 | No Rotation pattern found for course | 330 |