Audits Inventory for Main campus

Critical prior to Schedule-25 room assignments
audit_inventoryM report generated: 26-JUL-24





Contact Office
a day
Schedule13missing_main_compClass association group with no Main ComponentOffice of the Registrar 

19sect_modecompClass Component Type not valid for mode of instructionOffice of the Registrar 

21low_enrlcapClasses with enrollment cap less than 75% of the prescribed class sizeOffice of Academic Programs 

24instr_edit_sectInstructor Edit value set incorrectly in CLASS SECTIONOffice of the Registrar 

90sess_course_errClass session incorrect for course number/typeOffice of Academic Programs 

104hours_auditClass meeting hours not matching prescribed mode/units hoursOffice of Academic Programs 

113start_timesPossible errors in Class START times before 0700 or after 2100Office of the Registrar 
Catalog23instr_edit_crseInstructor Edit value set incorrectly in COURSEOffice of Academic Programs 

50xlist_not_combinedCross-Listed Classes NOT set up as Combined SectionsOffice of Academic Programs 

51xcomb_mismatchCombined classes with different modes/unitsOffice of Academic Programs 

Critical prior to start of registration
audit_inventoryM report generated: 26-JUL-24





Contact Office
a day
Schedule1sect_num_errInvalid class section numbersOffice of the Registrar 

2assoc_min_maxClass associations with mismatched unitsOffice of the Registrar 

3sect_cat_errClass associations with invalid unitsOffice of the Registrar 

4invalid_modeClass Component or sched CS Number(mode) missing or not valid for courseOffice of the Registrar 

5sect_clev_errClasses with invalid CLEV attribute valueOffice of the Registrar 

6sect_clev_mismatchClass CLEV value mismatch with Course CatalogOffice of the Registrar 

9cat_attr_notin_schedCatalog attributes NOT in class scheduleOffice of the Registrar 

12crse_not_approvedClass sections for Unapproved or Pending CoursesOffice of Academic Programs 

14combined_statCombined classes with mismatched StatusOffice of the Registrar 

16billfac_crscntData items Billing-factor and Course-Count do not matchOffice of the Registrar 

18var_unitsClass Sections set as variable unitsOffice of the Registrar 

26reserve_chkLower Div GEAR classes missing reserved seat recordsOffice of the Registrar 

53missing_modeClass association group missing mode or having invalid mode/unitsOffice of the Registrar 

62incomplete_mtgIncomplete meeting info - missing room, days, or timesOffice of the Registrar 

63tba_cmode_nohrsTBA Class meetings (Active classes) without TBA hoursAcademic Personnel Services 

70comp_unitsClass or associated class groups do not have correct units attached to each modeOffice of the Registrar 
Catalog200varunit_multmodeVariable unit, multiple-mode Courses - INVALIDOffice of Academic ProgramsY

201varunit_errVariable unit courses with mode unit set - should be zeroOffice of Academic ProgramsY

202modeunits_sumCourses with units not matching sum of component unitsOffice of the RegistrarY

203cat_modecompComponent Type not valid for mode of instructionOffice of Academic ProgramsY

205grade_basis_crseInvalid course grading basisOffice of Academic ProgramsY

206crse_clev_errInvalid CLEV value for CourseOffice of Academic ProgramsY

207fees_mismatch_compCourse Fees with no component match in the catalogOffice of the Registrar 

210crse_offer_errMore than one Course offering is attached to a Course IDOffice of Academic ProgramsY

Critical prior to first day of classes
audit_inventoryM report generated: 26-JUL-24





Contact Office
a day
Schedule11inactive_roomsInactive class sections with rooms scheduledOffice of the Registrar 

20instr_in_own_courseInstructors enrolled in their own courseOffice of the Registrar 

54instr_missingEnrolled class sections missing instructors (APDB)Academic Personnel Services 

Critical prior to 4th week census reporting
audit_inventoryM report generated: 26-JUL-24





Contact Office
a day
Schedule10inactive_enrInactive class sections with enrollmentOffice of the Registrar 

15no_grade_accessClass sections with no instructor access to gradesOffice of the Registrar 

17regunits_errInconsistemt unit values in the STDNT_ENRL recordOffice of the Registrar 

42instr_meet_dupsInstructor duplicated in more than one class meeting recordAcademic Personnel Services 

52sect_comp_zeroClass components missing unitsAcademic Personnel Services 

55missing_ssnInstructors with missing SSN (APDB)Academic Personnel ServicesY

56instr_mtg_errInstructor records not matching class meeting records (APDB)Academic Personnel Services 

57iff_not100Classes where instructor load factors (IFF) do not total 100Academic Personnel Services 

58wrkld_errClasses with instructor Work Load in error or not setAcademic Personnel Services 

59c78_wtuMode C-78 with invalid work loadAcademic Personnel Services 

60no_meetapdbMissing Meeting APDB Mapping Values, Learning Mode, or Space TypeAcademic Personnel Services 

61online_lrnmodeClasses with ONLINE attribute or ONL room and Face-to-Face Learning ModeAcademic Personnel Services 

64tba_meetinfoMismatch between TBA status and meeting information (Active classes)Office of the Registrar 

65async_errClasses with ASYNC learning mode but schedule days/times, or roomAcademic Personnel Services 

66sync_errClasses with SYNCHRONOUS learning mode but no scheduled days/timesOffice of the Registrar 

67apdb_pri_orgPrimary acad-org missing from APDB dept assignment tableAcademic Personnel Services 

68inact_sect_instrInactive class sections with instructors assignedOffice of the Registrar 

108auto_calcAuto Calc for work load not turned onAcademic Personnel Services 

114sess_acadorgSession and Academic Org not alignedOffice of the Registrar 

115facassign_noprintInstructors with print indicator set to N - will not be countedAcademic Personnel Services 

116online_cmClasses with ONLINE attribute or ONL room that do not have FONL attributeOffice of the Registrar 
Faculty302instr_job_errInstructors with expired or invalid appointment record (APDB)Academic Personnel ServicesY

303missing_job_recInstructors of enrolled classes missing job recordAcademic Personnel ServicesY
Catalog208crse_hegis_cipMissing or Invalid HEGIS or CIP code for CourseOffice of Academic ProgramsY

Warnings - Should be reviewed
audit_inventoryM report generated: 26-JUL-24





Contact Office
a day
Schedule7online_chkOnline/Hybrid attribute not matching ONL roomOffice of the Registrar 

8sect_attr_notin_catalogClass section attributes NOT in catalogOffice of the Registrar 

30acadorg_chkClass Acad Org code not consistent with Course Catalog Acad OrgOffice of Academic Programs 

69grade_basis_sectInvalid or mismatched Class Section Grading BasisOffice of the Registrar 

73sect_sns_ss_attrClass sessions having the SS attribute

101meettimesInvalid class START and/or END timesOffice of the Registrar 

102dates_auditClass or Meeting Dates not aligned correctlyOffice of the Registrar 

107waitlist_autoWaitlist Auto Enroll box is NOT CheckedOffice of the Registrar 

306session_dates_auditClass or Meeting Dates not aligned correctlyOffice of the Registrar 
Faculty300instr_volunt_expiredActive Volunteer records which may need deactivating (APDB)Academic Personnel ServicesY

301instr_onleaveOn leave faculty teaching - need volunteer appt (APDB)Academic Personnel ServicesY
Catalog209mode_conflict_crseCourses with conflicting or invalid modesOffice of Academic ProgramsY

Informational listings
audit_inventoryM report generated: 26-JUL-24





Contact Office
a day
Schedule25apdb_grpcd_valuesAPDB Group Code Control settings

40mismatched_compcapsAssociated class groups with mismatched enrollment capsOffice of the Registrar 

103ptrm_primePartial term meetings occurring Mon-Fri between 0800 and 1700Office of the Registrar 

105hybrid_allHybrid and Online Class detailsAcademic Personnel Services 

106facassign_nonFaculty assignments NOT Included in workloadAcademic Personnel Services 

109overcap_roomCurrent Enrollment is greater than room capacityOffice of the Registrar 

110overcap_reqRequested Room Capacity is greater than room capacityOffice of the Registrar 

112enrlcap_histClasses with Enrl-Cap or Room-Cap-Req greater than historical enrollmentOffice of the Registrar 

118all_classnotesAll class section notesOffice of the Registrar 

120group_codedAll Group Coded classes

Academic Planning Audits
audit_inventoryM report generated: 26-JUL-24





Contact Office
a day
Schedule22low_enrlstdClasses with enrollment less than prescribed sizeOffice of Academic ProgramsY

71planned_class_missingPlanned class offerings (from course rotation) not foundOffice of Academic ProgramsY

304zero_enrl_roomZero Enrolled class sections with rooms scheduledOffice of the RegistrarY
Catalog204sfactor_highenrlS-Factor Classes with high enrollment (>6)Office of Academic ProgramsY

211crse_rotation_missingNo Rotation pattern found for courseOffice of Academic ProgramsY