The following list shows courses which are at least 2 years old, but have not been offered (enrolled) in 6 or more years. A distinct course is identified by the PeopleSoft Course-ID. Special topics courses are omitted from consideration.
If the Last Enrolled column says "Never Enrolled", that means enrolled sections were not found in any of the historical data available from Fall 1991 or later.
A value of Y in the GEAR column indicates the course has at least one GEAR attribute.
These courses will be suspended unless justification is submitted for the course to remain active for future offering.
Please submit to your college dean (via email or a separate document) a brief justification for each course you wish to retain. The dean will then notify Academic Programs of decisions.

All Subjects Courses in the Fall 2024 catalog NOT OFFERED in the past 6 years (Active status)
courses_not_offered report generated: 04-JUN-24
Last Enrolled
ANTH490Senior Thesis1-4NZCCM:NONESpring 2018012920
ANTH637Applied Biological Anth1-3NONL:ONLINESpring 2018016540
ANTH679Applied Anthropology Region1-3NONL:ONLINEFall 2017016532
ART104BAncient Art3YGE:CSU C1Fall 2016011423
ART104CMedieval Art3YGE:CSU C1Spring 2015011424
ART104GBaroque Art3YGE:CSU C1Fall 2015011426
ART104H19th Century Art3YGE:CSU C1Spring 2016011427
ART104NAsian Art3YGE:CSU C1,CCTP:DCGNFall 2017011432
ART333Printmaking: Portfolio Develop3N
Spring 2015011336
ART354Problems in Art History1-4N
Fall 2016011357
ART491BTeaching Assistant - Art Hist.3N
Never Enrolled016465
BA110Introduction to Business3N
Fall 2014010055
BA410International Business4YCCTP:DCGN,SUST:SRFall 2017010079
BA439New Venture Consulting4NSUST:SRNever Enrolled010083
BA496SStrategic Management4NCSLI:RSpring 2017016457
BIOL305Social Behavior & Biology3YGE:UDBFall 2017012959
BIOL335Field or Laboratory Problems1-2N
Spring 2018012964
BIOL418Marine Microbiology3N
Fall 2016016404
BIOL700Prof Development in Biology1-3N
Summer 2017013018
Spring 2018011486
BOT553Marine Macrophyte Ecology3N
Spring 2017011492
Spring 2018016219
CHEM100From Stars to Rocks3YGE:CSU EFall 2017016724
ECON482SBDC Econ Dev Internships3NINT:INT,ZCCM:ZCCMNever Enrolled016887
EDUC318LGBTQIA+ Issues in Schools3YCCTP:DCGDSpring 2017013251
ENGL111Book of the Year1N
Spring 2017016317
ENGL313Critical Topics in Writing4N
Never Enrolled016996
ENGL410Queer and Trans Studies Topics4YCCTP:DCGDNever Enrolled016997
ENGL465CMulticultural Issues in Lit4YCCTP:DCGNSpring 2014013521
ENGR441Hydrology II3NSUST:SRSpring 2018013568
ENGR541Hydrology II3NSUST:SRSpring 2018013600
ENGR700Professional Development1-3N
Fall 2016013608
ENST471Arts, Climate & Health Justice3NSUST:SR,ZCCM:ZCCMNever Enrolled017010
ES304Migrations and Mosaics3-4YGE:UDD,CCTP:DCGDFall 2012010256
ES307Multicultural History - Africa3YGE:UDD,SUST:SRSummer 2017016478
ES465CMulticultural Issues Lit/Lang4YCCTP:DCGNNever Enrolled010293
Never Enrolled010289
ESM420Ecosystem Analysis3NSUST:SRNever Enrolled014387
FILM455SGrant Writing4NCSLI:R,ZCCM:ZCCMSpring 2018016359
FISH358Fisheries Data Analysis4N
Never Enrolled016889
FISH446Aquatic Ecosystem Modeling3NSUST:SR,ZCCM:ZCCMNever Enrolled017024
FISH490Honors Thesis Research1-4NZCCM:ZCCMFall 2014013702
FISH546Aquatic Ecosystem Modeling3NSUST:SR,ZCCM:ZCCMNever Enrolled017025
FOR302Forest Ecosystems & People3YGE:UDB,SUST:SFFall 2017011729
FOR307California Forests & Woodlands3YGE:UDB,SUST:SFSpring 2018011730
FREN325French Cultural Journal3NZCCM:ZCCMSummer 2018016037
FREN482Francophone Internship Abroad1-6NINT:INT,ZCCM:ZCCMSummer 2017016031
GEOG308Soc Justice/Environ in Africa3YGE:UDB,SUST:SFSummer 2017016577
GEOG322California3NSUST:SFFall 2015013803
GEOG322MCalifornia Depth Experience1NSUST:SFFall 2015016098
GEOG363MPolitical Geography Depth Exp.1NSUST:SRNever Enrolled016748
GEOL100From Stars to Rocks3YGE:CSU EFall 2017016725
GEOL482Instrumental Methods in Geol.1-3NZCCM:NONEFall 2017013890
GEOL551Hillslope Processes3N
Spring 2018013900
HIST314Ancient Greek Civ. & History4N
Fall 2017014012
KINS276Technique in Athletic Training3N
Spring 2018014104
KINS640Psych of Sport and Exercise3N
Fall 2017014185
Spring 2014014188
MATH108Critical Thinking in Math3YGE:CSU B4Fall 2017014265
MATH308CMath for Elementary Education3YGE:UDBSpring 2018014339
MATH700Professnl Developmnt In Math.5-3N
Summer 2017014327
MATH701In-Srvc Prof Dev in Math Educ.5-5N
Fall 2016014328
MUS103Listening to the Movies3YGE:CSU C1Spring 2018011992
MUS105The American Musical3YGE:CSU C1Spring 2017011994
MUS423St. Oboe, Perf & Mus Ed1NZCCM:NONESpring 2013012118
MUS424St. Clarinet, Perf & Mus Ed1NZCCM:NONESpring 2017012119
MUS425St. Bassoon, Perf & Mus Ed1NZCCM:NONESpring 2014012120
MUS429St. Trombone, Perf & Mus Ed1NZCCM:NONESpring 2017012124
MUS430St. Euphonium, Perf & Mus Ed1NZCCM:NONENever Enrolled012125
MUS431St. Tuba, Perf & Mus Ed1NZCCM:NONESpring 2016012126
MUS434St. Viola, Perf & Mus Ed1NZCCM:NONENever Enrolled012129
MUS436St. String Bass, Perf & Mus Ed1NZCCM:NONESpring 2016012131
MUS454Expanded Repertoire1NZCCM:NONENever Enrolled016659
Spring 2013012320
PHYX100From Stars to Rocks3YGE:CSU EFall 2017016726
PHYX104SDescriptive Astronomy4YGE:CSU B1,GE:CSU B3,CSLI:RNever Enrolled016824
Fall 2016014620
PHYX490Senior Thesis1-3NZCCM:NONENever Enrolled014630
PSYC550Intro to Institution Research4NONL:ONLINESpring 2016016516
PSYC551Applied Research4NONL:ONLINEFall 2016016517
PSYC552Diversity in Research4NONL:ONLINESpring 2017016518
RS304Cultural,Relig Heritage Africa3YGE:UDC,CCTP:DCGN,ZCCM:ZCCMSummer 2017016479
SED710Elementary Methods3NTCPI:YNever Enrolled016901
SED756Biling/ESL Theory & Mthds Sem1NTCPI:YFall 2015012524
SOC682Teaching Internship1-3NINT:INT,ZCCM:ZCCMFall 2011012624
SOIL468Introduction to Agroforestry3NSUST:SFSpring 2017014945
SPAN208SLevel IV Heritage Speakers4YGE:CSU C2,CSLI:R,CCTP:DCGNSpring 2018016319
SPAN341Critical Reading in Spanish II3N
Never Enrolled016946
WLDF300BWildlife Ecology & Management3YGE:UDB,SUST:SFSpring 2016015459
WLDF426Field Trip1-3N
Spring 2015015430
WLDF550Adv Topics Wildlife Diseases1-3N
Spring 2018015450
WS300Psychology of Women3YGE:UDD,CCTP:DCGDFall 2016011233
WS465CMulticultural Issues in Lit4YCCTP:DCGNNever Enrolled011281
ZOOL316Freshwater Aquatic Inverts3N
Spring 2018015525

The following is a list of courses that have been suspended for at least 6 years. Please mark RETAIN for any course that should be retained (courses that the program will offer in the future) and mark DELETE for any course that should be permanently deleted from the database.
Please submit to your college dean (via email or a separate document) a brief justification for each course you wish to retain. The dean will then notify Academic Programs of decisions.

All Subjects Courses in the Fall 2024 catalog which have been SUSPENDED at least 6 years
courses_not_offered report generated: 04-JUN-24
Last Enrolled
BIOL525Advanced Molecular Biology3N
Never Enrolled016136
CD334Maternal and Child Nutrition3N
Never Enrolled010145
CD461Early Childhood Administration1-3N
Never Enrolled010162
CD463Admin of Early Chldhood Progrm3NSUST:SRNever Enrolled010163
CD546Strcture & Cntnt of Chlds Thnk3N
Never Enrolled010173
CD690Master's Thesis1-4N
Never Enrolled010176
EDL661Prof Develop-Induction2N
Never Enrolled010038
EDL662Ldrshp, mgmt, pol dev/mlticult2N
Never Enrolled010039
EDL663Strategic Issues Management2N
Never Enrolled010040
EDL664School & Community Relations3N
Never Enrolled010041
EDL665Ethical & Reflective Leadershp3N
Never Enrolled010042
EDL666Info Sys & Humn & Fis Resource2N
Never Enrolled010043
EDL667Candidate Assmt. & Evaluation2N
Never Enrolled010044
EDUC210Current Issues in Schools3N
Never Enrolled013244
EDUC310Education For A Livable World3N
Never Enrolled013248
EDUC311How We Learn3N
Never Enrolled013249
EDUC583Teaching in Higher Education3N
Fall 2009013267
EDUC624Theories & Models Read & Writ3N
Never Enrolled013275
EDUC625Dev. of Phon. & Orthogr. Knowl3N
Never Enrolled013276
EDUC626Literacy Asses & Evaluation3N
Never Enrolled013277
EDUC627Diagnosis Read & Writing Diff3N
Never Enrolled013278
EDUC628Remediation Read & Writing3N
Never Enrolled013279
Never Enrolled013280
Never Enrolled013334
EDUC665Qual Methods In Educ Resrch3N
Never Enrolled013288
EDUC681Quantitative Educ Methods3N
Spring 2012013290
EDUC697Research for Learning3N
Never Enrolled013295
EDUC719Teacher Computer Competency2N
Never Enrolled013304
EED729Reading Curr & Methods4N
Never Enrolled011677
EED740Spec Populations in Gen Educ1N
Fall 2010011682
EED756Extnded Stu Tchng in Elem Schl1-8NZCCM:NONEFall 2010011689
EED757Advanced Student Teaching1-10N
Never Enrolled011690
Never Enrolled011691
EED790Supervised Field Experience1-3N
Never Enrolled011692
ENGL485English Colloquium1N
Fall 2010013470
ENGR114Whole Earth Engr2NSUST:SFSummer 2010013529
KINS287Rehab Athletic Injuries I3N
Never Enrolled014108
MATH106Calculus Business & Economics4YGE:CSU B4Spring 2010014264
MATH225Linear Alg. & Diff. Equations3N
Never Enrolled014273
MUS109FWoodwinds1YGE:CSU C1Never Enrolled012207
MUS109TStrings1YGE:CSU C1Never Enrolled012205
MUS115Theory II3N
Never Enrolled012000
OCN274Marine Field Techniques2N
Never Enrolled012336
OCN306Global Environmental Issues3YGE:UDB,SUST:SFNever Enrolled012340
OCN321Physical Oceanography II3N
Never Enrolled012343
OCN430Marine Pollution3NSUST:SRNever Enrolled012350
Never Enrolled012358
OCN510Estuarine Ecology3N
Never Enrolled012359
OCN511Marine Primary Production3N
Never Enrolled012360
OCN535Marine Microbial Ecology3N
Never Enrolled012361
OCN540Marine Sedimentation3N
Never Enrolled012362
OCN544Beach and Nearshore Processes3N
Never Enrolled012363
PE215Body Conditioning1N
Never Enrolled010728
PE228Fishing the North West2N
Fall 2009010739
PE237Self Defense Grappling1NZCCM:NONESpring 2010010746
PHYX104BDescriptive Astronomy3YGE:CSU B1Fall 2011014636
PSCI318Race, Gender & US Law4N
Never Enrolled014679
PSYC345Psych Tests and Measurement3N
Never Enrolled016146
PSYC434Death, Dying and Grief3N
Never Enrolled016455
PSYC545Psychological Testing4N
Never Enrolled014839
PSYC648Statistics Consultation1-3N
Never Enrolled014864
REC110Beginning Kayaking2N
Never Enrolled012380
SED703Conflict Mngmnt for Teachers1N
Spring 2010012486
SED705Middle Schl Methods-Theory1N
Spring 2010012488
SED732Secondary Curric Inst: Bus2N
Never Enrolled012503
SED757Advanced Student Teaching4-12N
Never Enrolled012525
SP119UnivSem for 1st Time Frosh1N
Never Enrolled011138
SP319Univ Sem 1st Time Tranf Stdnts1N
Never Enrolled011146
SP420Course Experiment1-3N
Never Enrolled011152
SP55Academic Writing Preparation1NONL:ONLINENever Enrolled016316
SPED651Prof Devel. in Special Educ.2N
Fall 2010015004
SPED652Adv Studies Assess & Instruc3N
Fall 2010015005
SPED655Adv Stud. in Lrng Disabilities3N
Never Enrolled015008
SPED656Advanced Studies: Severe3N
Never Enrolled015041
SPED661Reflctve Spec Ed Practitioner2N
Spring 2011015009
SPED704Advanced Clinicl Fieldwork1N
Fall 2011015012
SPED732Practicum: Classroom Mngmnt1N
Spring 2012015021
SPED757Adv. Stud. in Sec. Sp. Educ.3N
Never Enrolled015042
STAT106Intro Stats/Health Sciences3YGE:CSU B4Spring 2013015059
STAT409Experimental Design & Analysis4N
Fall 2010013068
STAT509Experimental Design & Analysis4N
Fall 2010013075
Never Enrolled011220
TA326Performance Practicum1N
Spring 2019012715
TA327Pre-Production Practicum1N
Spring 2019012716
TA431Scene Design Technology2-4N
Spring 2017012745
TA433Lighting Design Technology2-4N
Fall 2017012747
TA436Costume Design Technology2-4N
Spring 2018012746
WLDF306Birds & Human Society3YGE:UDB,SUST:SFNever Enrolled015412
WLDF347Museum Techniques Lab2N
Never Enrolled015424
WLDF597Mentor & Teaching Assoc Trng1-4N
Fall 2010015455