HSU Colleges, Departments, Major Programs, and Major Options
hsucol report generated: 21-NOV-17
Major Program
Major Option
Arts, Hum & Soc Sci - CAHSSAnthropology - ANTHAnthropology - ANTHAnthropology - ANTH

Applied Anth -Extend Educ - ANAEApplied Anth -Extend Educ - ANAE

Art - ARTArt - ARTArt (Education) - ARSS

Art (History) - ARHI

Art (Studio) - ARST

Art - ART

Humanities & SS Cert Group - CSHSArt Museum/Gallery Practices - CSAG

Communication - COMMCommunication - COMMCommunication - COMM

Social Advocacy Minor -Social Advocacy Minor - SADV

Critical Race Gender Sexuality - CRGSCrit Race, Gender & Sexuality - RGSSCrit Race, Gender & Sexuality - RGSS

Ethnic Studies Minor -Ethnic Studies Minor - ES

Humanities & SS Cert Group - CSHSWomen's Studies - CSWS

IS - Crit Race, Gen & Sex - CRGSIS - Crit Race, Gen & Sex - CRGS

IS - Ethnic Studies - ISESIS - Ethnic Studies - ISES

IS - Women's Studies - ISWSIS - Women's Studies - ISWS

Multicultural Queer Stud Minor -Multicultural Queer Stud Minor - MQS

Women's Studies Minor -Women's Studies Minor - WS

English - ENGLEnglish - ENGLEnglish (Education) - ENSS

English (Literary Studies) - ENLS

English (Teach the Lang Arts) - ENLA

English (Writing Practices) - ENWP

English - ENGL

English Writing Minor - ENWT

English - ENMAEnglish (Comp Std & Pedagogy) - ENCP

English (Literary & Cultural) - ENLC

English (Literature) - ENLI

English (Teaching of Writing) - ENTW

English(International Program) - ENIP

Ethnic American Lit Minor -Ethnic American Lit Minor - EAL

Linguistics Minor -Linguistics Minor - LING

Teach Engl as a Sec Lang Minor -Teach Engl as a Sec Lang Minor - TESL

Environment and Community - ECSocial Science - SSMASocial Science - SSMA

Environmental Studies - ENSTEnvironmental Studies - ESTEnvironmental Studies - EST

Geography - GEOGGeography - GEOGGeography - GEOG

History - HISTHistory - HISTHistory (Education) - HISS

History - HIST

Social Science (Education) - SSSSSocial Science (Education) - SSSS

Social Science - SSSocial Science - SS

International Studies - INTLIS-INTL- International Studies - ISISIS-INTL- Chinese Studies - ISCH

IS-INTL- Cultural Studies - ISCU

IS-INTL- European Studies - ISEU

IS-INTL- Globalization Studies - ISGL

IS-INTL- International Studies - ISIS

IS-INTL- Intl Business Studies - ISIB

IS-INTL- Islamic Culture St - ISIC

IS-INTL- Latin Amer Studies - ISLA

IS-INTL- Pacific Basin Studies - ISPB

IS-INTL- Postcolonial African - ISPA

IS-INTL-Third World Dev Stud - ISTW

IS-INTLGlobal Cultural Studies - ISGC

International Studies - INTLINTL Std Global Cultural Stds - INGC

INTL Std Latin American Stds - INLA

INTL Std Third World Dev Stds - INTW

INTL Studies European Studies - INEU

International Studies - INTL

Journalism and Mass Comm - JMCBroadcast News Minor -Broadcast News Minor - JNBW

Humanities & SS Cert Group - CSHSJournalism - CSJN

Journalism - JNJournalism (Broadcast News) - JNBN

Journalism (Media Studies) - JNME

Journalism (News-Editorial) - JNNE

Journalism (Public Relations) - JNPR

Journalism - JN

Journalism - JNJN

Journalism News - JNNW

Media Studies Minor -Media Studies Minor - JNMS

Music - MUSMusic - MUSMusic (Composition) - MUSC

Music (Education) - MUSS

Music (General Music Studies) - MUSG

Music (Performance) - MUSP

Music - MUS

Native American Studies - NASNative American Studies - NASNative American Studies - NAS

Native American Studies - NAST

Natv Amer Studies (General) - NAGE

Natv Amer Studies (Lang & Lit) - NALL

Natv Amer Studies (Law & Govt) - NALG

Natv Amer Studies (NRes & Env) - NANR

Natv Amer Studies (Soc & Cult) - NASC

Philosophy - PHILEthics and Values Minor -Ethics and Values Minor - EV

Philosophy - PHILPhil of Asian Aspects Minor - PHAA

Phil of Fndmntl Aspects Minor - PHFA

Phil of Western History Minor - PHHW

Philosophy - PHIL

Politics - POLIPolitical Science - PSCIPolitical Science - PSCI

Religious Studies - RSReligious Studies - RSReligious Studies - RS

Sociology - SOCCriminal Justice Minor -Criminal Justice Minor - CJUS

Criminology & Justice Studies - CJSCriminology & Justice Studies - CJS

Sociology - SOCSociology - SOC

Sociology - SOCMSociology - SOCM

Theatre, Film and Dance - THEADance Minor -Dance Minor - DANC

Film - FILMFilm - FILM

IS - Dance Studies - ISDSIS - Dance Studies - ISDS

Theatre Arts - THEATheatre Arts - THEA

Theatre, Film & Dance (Dance) - TFDD

Theatre, Film & Dance (Film) - TFDF

Theatre, Film & Dance(Theatre) - TFDT

Theatre, Film and Dance Minor - TFD

Theatre Arts - THMATheatre Arts - THMA

Theatre Arts, MA (Film Prod) - TMFP

Theatre Arts, MA (Production) - TMTP

Theatre Arts, MFA - TMFAThea Arts, MFA (Scenography) - TMSC

World Lang and Cultures - WLCChinese Studies Minor -Chinese Studies Minor - CHIN

French - FRENFrench & Francophone Studies - FRFR

French (Education) - FRSS

French - FREN

German - GERMGerman - GERM

German Studies Minor -German Studies Minor - GERS

Spanish - SPANSpanish (Education) - SPSS

Spanish - SPAN
General Studies - GENSAdvising Center - UNDAUndeclared - UNDEUndeclared - UNDE

General Studies - GENSTInterdisciplinary Studies - ISInterdisciplinary Pre-Major - ISPR

Interdisciplinary Studies - IS

Liberal Studies - LSLiberal Studies - LS
Natural Resources & Sci - CNRSBiological Sciences - BIOLBiology - BIGRBiology - BIGR

Biology - BIOLBiol (Life Sci Education) - BISS

Biology (Biodiversity) - BIDI

Biology (Cellular/Molecular) - BICM

Biology (Ecol & Biodiversity) - BIEB

Biology (Ecology) - BIEC

Biology (Environmental) - BIEN

Biology (General) - BIGE

Biology (Marine) - BIMA

Biology (Medical Technology) - BIMT

Biology (Microbiology) - BIMI

Biology (Science Education) - BSSS

Biology (Special) - BISP

Biology - BIOL

Botany - BOTBotany - BOT

Zoology - ZOOLZoology - ZOOL

CNRS College Offerings - NSNat Resources (Plan & Interp) - NRPGEnviron & Nat Resourcs Sci - ENRS

Nat Resources (Plan & Interp) - NRPG

Nat Resources (Range & Soils) - NRRSNat Resources (Range & Soils) - NRRS

Nat Resources (Wastewater Utl) - NRWUNat Resources (Wastewater Utl) - NRWU

Nat Resources (Watershed Mgmt) - NRWMNat Resources (Watershed Mgmt) - NRWM

Natural Resources (Fisheries) - NRFINatural Resources (Fisheries) - NRFI

Natural Resources (Forestry) - NRFONatural Resources (Forestry) - NRFO

Natural Resources (Wildlife) - NRWINatural Resources (Wildlife) - NRWI

Natural Resources - NRNat Resources-Fst,Wtrshd,Wldln - NRFW

Natural Resources - NR

Chemistry - CHEMChemistry - CHEMChemistry (Biochemistry) - CHBI

Chemistry (Chem Technology) - CHCT

Chemistry (Environ Toxicology) - CHET

Chemistry - CHEM

Computer Science - CSComputer Information Systems - CISComputer Information Systems - CIS

Computer Science - CSCIComputer Science - CSCI

Engineering - ENGRAppropriate Technology Minor -Appropriate Technology Minor - AT

Env Systems (Intl Dev Tech) - ESIDEnv Systems (Intl Dev Tech) - ESID

Env Systems(Enrgy,Envrn & Soc) - ESESEnv Systems(Enrgy,Envrn & Soc) - ESES

Environmental Ethics Minor -Environmental Ethics Minor - EE

Environmental Resources Engr - EREEnvironmental Resources Engr - ERE

Environmental Systems (Engr) - ESEREnv Systems(Enrgy Tech & Polic - ESTP

Environmental Systems (Engr) - ESER

Environmental Science Mgmt - ESMEnvironmental Managemnt & Prot - EMPEMP Environ Educ & Interpretn - EMPI

EMP Environ Nat Res Planning - EMPP

EMP Environ Nat Res Recreation - EMPR

Environmental Managemnt & Prot - EMP

Geospatial Analysis Minor - GEOA

Environmental Science - ENSEnv Sci (1st Nations Env Prot) - ENSP

Environmental Sci (Ecological - ENSN

Environmental Sci (Energy and - ENSC

Environmental Sci (Environment - ENSR

Environmental Sci (Ethics) - ENSE

Environmental Sci (Geospatial) - ENSG

Environmental Sci (Technology) - ENST

Environmental Science - ENS

Geographic Info Tech Minor -Geographic Info Tech Minor - NRGI

NS Certificate Group - CSNSEnvironmental & Nat Res Plan - CSEN

Environmental Educ & Interp - CSEI

GIS & Remote Sensing - CSGR

Geospatial Sciences - CSGE

Natural Res Policy & Adm - CSNR

Natural Resources Interp - CSNI

Natural Resources Planning - CSNP

Nat Resources Plng & Interptn - NRPINRPI - GIS & Remote Sensing - NRPR

Nat Res Plng & Interp (Interp) - NRIN

Nat Res Plng & Intr (Planning) - NRPL

Nat Res Plng & Intrp (Ind Des) - NRID

Nat Resources Plng & Interptn - NRPI

Nat Resources Recreation - NRR

Natural Resources Plan Minor -Natural Resources Plan Minor - NRP

Fisheries Biology - FISHFisheries Biology - FISHFisheries Biol (Aquaculture) - FIAQ

Fisheries Biology (Freshwater) - FIFR

Fisheries Biology (Marine) - FIMA

Fisheries Biology - FISH

Forestry & Wildland Resources - FWMFire Ecology Minor -Fire Ecology Minor - FOFE

Forestry - FORForestry (Conservation) - FORV

Forestry (Forest Operations) - FORO

Forestry (Hydrology) - FORH

Forestry (Production Mgmt) - FOPM

Forestry (Resource Conserv) - FORC

Forestry (Resources Mgmt) - FORM

Forestry (Soils) - FORL

Forestry (Wildland Fire Mgmt) - FORF

Forestry - FOR

Rangeland Resource Science - RRSRange Res Sci (Wildland Soils) - RRWS

Rangeland Resource Science - RRS

Water Resource Policy Minor -Water Resource Policy Minor - WRP

Watershed Management Minor -Watershed Management Minor - WSHD

Wildland Soil Science Minor -Wildland Soil Science Minor - SOIL

Geology - GEOLEnvironmental Systems (Geol) - ESGEEnvironmental Systems (Geol) - ESGE

Geology - GEOLGeology (Geoscience Education) - GOSS

Geology (Geoscience) - GEOS

Geology - GEOL

Mathematics - MATHApplied Statistics Minor -Applied Statistics Minor - APST

Env Systems (Math Modeling) - ESMMEnv Systems (Math Modeling) - ESMM

Mathematics - MATHMathematics (Applied) - MAAP

Mathematics (Education) - MASS

Mathematics - MATH

Oceanography - OCNOceanography - OCNOceanography - OCN

Physics and Astronomy - PHYXPhysical Science - PHSCPhysical Science - PHSC

Physics - PHYXPhysics (Applied) - PXAP

Physics (Astronomy) - PXAS

Physics (Biology) - PXBI

Physics (Engineering) - PXEN

Physics (Oceanography) - PXOC

Physics - PHYX

Wildlife - WLDFWildlife - WLDFWLDF(Conserv Bio/App Vert Eco) - WLCB

Wildlife (Mgmt & Conservation) - WLMC

Wildlife - WLDF

Wildlife Management - WLDM
Professional Studies - CPSApplied Technology - ATIndustrial Technology - ITIndust Tech (Constr. Mgmt) - ITCM

Indust Tech (Indust Design) - ITID

Indust Tech (Mfg & Oper Mgmt) - ITMO

Industrial Tech (Applied Tech) - ITAT

Industrial Tech (Tech Mgmt) - ITTM

Industrial Tech(Education) - ITSS

Industrial Technology - IT

Business Administration - BUSBusiness Administration - BABusiness Admin (Accounting) - BAAC

Business Admin (Finance) - BAFI

Business Admin (International) - BAIN

Business Admin (Management) - BAMG

Business Admin (Marketing) - BAMK

Business Administration - BA

Business Admn (Economics) - BAEC

Business Admn (Education) - BASS

Business Administration - MBABusiness Administration - MBA

CPS College Offerings - PSAmerican Indian Educ Minor -American Indian Educ Minor - AIE

Health Education Minor -Health Education Minor - HED

Interdisciplinary Studies - ISIS - Leadership Studies - ISLE

Leadership Studies Minor -Leadership Studies Minor - LDRS

Child Development - CDAmer Sign Lng & Spc Pop Minor -Amer Sign Lng & Spc Pop Minor - ASL

Early Childhood Devel Minor -Early Childhood Devel Minor - ECD

Family Studies Minor -Family Studies Minor - FS

Liberal St-Child Dev-Elem Ed - LSCELiberal St-Child Dev-Elem Ed - LSCE

Liberal Studies-Child Develop - LSCDLiberal Studies-Child Develop - LSCD

Economics - ECONEconomics - ECONEconomics - ECON

Education - EDUCAdministrative Services - CRASAdministrative Services - CRAC

Administrative Services - CRAS

Art - CRARArt - CRAR

Education - EDUCEducation - EDUC

English - CRENEnglish - CREN

French - CRFRFrench - CRFR

German - CRGEGerman - CRGE

Health Science - CRHSHealth Science - CRHS

Industrial Technology - CRITIndustrial Technology - CRIT

Liberal St Elem Ed -Integrated - LSEILiberal St Elem Ed -Integrated - LSEI

Liberal Studies-Elementary Ed - LSEELiberal Studies-Elementary Ed - LSEE

Math - Foundation Level - CRMFMath - Foundation Level - CRMF

Mathematics - CRMAMathematics - CRMA

Mild/Moderate Disabilities - CRMMMild/Moderate Disabilities - CRMM

Moderate/Severe Disabilities - CRSMModerate/Severe Disabilities - CRSM

Multiple Subjects - CRMSMultiple Subjects - CRMS

Music - CRMUMusic - CRMU

Physical Education - CRPEPhysical Education - CRPE

Science - Biology - CRSBScience - Biology - CRSB

Science - Chemistry - CRSCScience - Chemistry - CRSC

Science - Geoscience - CRSGScience - Geoscience - CRSG

Science - Physics - CRSXPhysics-Specialized - CRXS

Science - Physics - CRSX

Social Science - CRSSSocial Science - CRSS

Spanish - CRSPSpanish - CRSP

Kinesiology & Recreation Adm - KRAKinesiology - KINEKinesiology - KINE

PE (Education) - PESS

PE (Exer Sci/Wellness Mgt) - PEES

Kinesiology - KIUGKinesi (Exer Sci/Wellness Mgt) - KIES

Kinesiology (Athl Training Ed) - KIAT

Kinesiology (Education) - KISS

Kinesiology (Ex Sci/Hlth Prom) - KIHP

Kinesiology (Pre-Phys Therapy) - KIPT

Liberal Studies-Recreation Adm - LSRALiberal Studies-Recreation Adm - LSRA

PE (Adapted PE Specialist) - CRADPE (Adapted PE Specialist) - CRAD

Recreation Administration - RADMRecreation Administration - RADM

Sci, Rec or Ldrshp Divng Minor -Sci, Rec or Ldrshp Divng Minor - SRLD

Nursing - NURSNursing - NURSNursing (RN) - NURN

Nursing - NURS

Nursing Pre-Major - NURPNursing Pre-Major - NURP

Psychology - PSYCPPS - School Psychology - CRPYPPS - School Psychology - CRPY

Psychology - PSYCPsychology - PSYC

Psychology Masters Group - PSYGPsychology (Academic Research) - PSAR

Psychology (Counseling) - PSCO

Psychology (School Psychology) - PSSP

Social Work - SWSocial Work - MSWSocial Work - Extend Educ - MSWE

Social Work - MSW

Social Work - SWSocial Work - SW

Social Work Pre-Major - SWPSocial Work Pre-Major - SWP