Critical prior to Schedule-25 room assignments
audit_index2254M report generated: 13-MAR-25 | ||||
Category | Audit Report | Ref# | Description | Records |
Schedule | low_enrlcap | 21 | Classes with enrollment cap less than 75% of the prescribed class size | 147 |
Schedule | hours_audit | 104 | Class meeting hours not matching prescribed mode/units hours | 109 |
Schedule | start_times | 113 | Possible errors in Class START times before 0700 or after 2100 | 4 |
Catalog | instr_edit_crse | 23 | Instructor Edit value set incorrectly in COURSE | 2 |
Catalog | xlist_not_combined | 50 | Cross-Listed Classes NOT set up as Combined Sections | 4 |
Catalog | xcomb_mismatch | 51 | Combined classes with different modes/units | 4 |
Critical prior to start of registration
audit_index2254M report generated: 13-MAR-25 | ||||
Category | Audit Report | Ref# | Description | Records |
Schedule | assoc_min_max | 2 | Class associations with mismatched units | 14 |
Schedule | sect_cat_err | 3 | Class associations with invalid units | 25 |
Schedule | cat_attr_notin_sched | 9 | Catalog attributes NOT in class schedule | 6 |
Schedule | var_units | 18 | Class Sections set as variable units | 11 |
Schedule | reserve_chk | 26 | Lower Div GEAR classes missing reserved seat records | 315 |
Schedule | missing_mode | 53 | Class association group missing mode or having invalid mode/units | 5 |
Schedule | incomplete_mtg | 62 | Incomplete meeting info - missing room, days, or times | 48 |
Catalog | modeunits_sum | 202 | Courses with units not matching sum of component units | 3 |
Catalog | cat_modecomp | 203 | Component Type not valid for mode of instruction | 1 |
Catalog | crse_clev_err | 206 | Invalid CLEV value for Course | 1 |
Critical prior to first day of classes
audit_index2254M report generated: 13-MAR-25 | ||||
Category | Audit Report | Ref# | Description | Records |
Schedule | inactive_rooms | 11 | Inactive class sections with rooms scheduled | 12 |
Critical prior to 4th week census reporting
audit_index2254M report generated: 13-MAR-25 | ||||
Category | Audit Report | Ref# | Description | Records |
Schedule | instr_meet_dups | 42 | Instructor duplicated in more than one class meeting record | 9 |
Schedule | sect_comp_zero | 52 | Class components missing units | 72 |
Schedule | iff_not100 | 57 | Classes where instructor load factors (IFF) do not total 100 | 25 |
Schedule | wrkld_err | 58 | Classes with instructor Work Load in error or not set | 29 |
Schedule | c78_wtu | 59 | Mode C-78 with invalid work load | 1 |
Schedule | online_lrnmode | 61 | Classes with ONLINE attribute or ONL room and Face-to-Face Learning Mode | 25 |
Schedule | tba_meetinfo | 64 | Mismatch between TBA status and meeting information (Active classes) | 27 |
Schedule | async_err | 65 | Classes with ASYNC learning mode but schedule days/times, or room | 17 |
Schedule | sync_err | 66 | Classes with SYNCHRONOUS learning mode but no scheduled days/times | 2 |
Schedule | apdb_pri_org | 67 | Primary acad-org missing from APDB dept assignment table | 12 |
Schedule | inact_sect_instr | 68 | Inactive class sections with instructors assigned | 24 |
Schedule | facassign_noprint | 115 | Instructors with print indicator set to N - will not be counted | 4 |
Schedule | online_cm | 116 | Classes with ONLINE attribute or ONL room that do not have FONL attribute | 53 |
Warnings - Should be reviewed
audit_index2254M report generated: 13-MAR-25 | ||||
Category | Audit Report | Ref# | Description | Records |
Schedule | online_chk | 7 | Online/Hybrid attribute not matching ONL room | 29 |
Schedule | sect_attr_notin_catalog | 8 | Class section attributes NOT in catalog | 11 |
Schedule | grade_basis_sect | 69 | Invalid or mismatched Class Section Grading Basis | 33 |
Schedule | meettimes | 101 | Invalid class START and/or END times | 66 |
Schedule | dates_audit | 102 | Class or Meeting Dates not aligned correctly | 21 |
Schedule | waitlist_auto | 107 | Waitlist Auto Enroll box is NOT Checked | 36 |
Schedule | session_dates_audit | 306 | Class or Meeting Dates not aligned correctly | 39 |
Informational listings
audit_index2254M report generated: 13-MAR-25 | ||||
Category | Audit Report | Ref# | Description | Records |
Schedule | apdb_grpcd_values | 25 | APDB Group Code Control settings | 23 |
Schedule | mismatched_compcaps | 40 | Associated class groups with mismatched enrollment caps | 147 |
Schedule | ptrm_prime | 103 | Partial term meetings occurring Mon-Fri between 0800 and 1700 | 62 |
Schedule | hybrid_all | 105 | Hybrid and Online Class details | 537 |
Schedule | facassign_non | 106 | Faculty assignments NOT Included in workload | 52 |
Schedule | overcap_room | 109 | Current Enrollment is greater than room capacity | 24 |
Schedule | overcap_req | 110 | Requested Room Capacity is greater than room capacity | 30 |
Schedule | enrlcap_hist | 112 | Classes with Enrl-Cap or Room-Cap-Req greater than historical enrollment | 135 |
Schedule | all_classnotes | 118 | All class section notes | 52 |
Academic Planning Audits
audit_index2254M report generated: 13-MAR-25 | ||||
Category | Audit Report | Ref# | Description | Records |
Schedule | planned_class_missing | 71 | Planned class offerings (from course rotation) not found | 148 |
Schedule | zero_enrl_room | 304 | Zero Enrolled class sections with rooms scheduled | 1362 |
Catalog | crse_rotation_missing | 211 | No Rotation pattern found for course | 334 |