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IE Course and Class Planning

Academic Planning Resources

These reports are provided to assist in planning course offerings, address curriculum planning issues, and evaluate instructor workload based on enrollment.

Course Offerings Planning
Fall 2024 Spring 2024
Course Seat Demand Projections Course Seat Demand Projections
Class and Enrollment Management
Fall 2024 Spring 2024
Class Enrollment Monitoring Class Enrollment Monitoring
Zero enrolled classes with scheduled room Zero enrolled classes with scheduled room
Classes enrolled below standard capacity
  below 30%     below 50%     below 70%
Classes enrolled below standard capacity
  below 30%     below 50%     below 70%
GEAR Course planning and monitoring GEAR Course planning and monitoring
High enrolled Supervision courses High enrolled Supervision courses

Course Success Reports:
Curriculum Planning:
Please contact us by emailing Institutional Research, Analytics, and Reporting