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Final Academic year Active Admits by Applicant type
report generated: 26-JUL-24
Applicant type 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
First-time UG 1,653 1,468 8,262 6,932 13,284 7,474 701 1,083
Lower-div xfer 57 49 130 221 276 258 197 220
Upper-div xfer 1,458 1,398 5,477 3,211 4,929 4,611 1,016 913
Returning UG 217 200 220 174 158 189 148 137
Masters 320 298 324 283 244 272 269 234
Credential 133 100 118 106 112 126 123 126
Second Bachelor 13 19 19 38 35 73 77 71
Unclassified PB 7 2 3 2 1 3 2 6
Transitory 502 442 331 246 645 59 76 229
Totals 4,360 3,976 14,884 11,213 19,684 13,065 2,609 3,019

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