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Final Fall Excluding Redirected Admits by Origin
report generated: 26-SEP-24
Origin Fall 2017 Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Fall 2020 Fall 2021 Fall 2022 Fall 2023 Fall 2024
Local 780 615 722 693 642 619 665 751
Northern CA 1,105 1,111 1,140 957 953 1,089 1,543 1,511
SF Bay 2,040 2,148 2,082 1,709 1,835 2,011 3,895 4,002
Sacramento 490 492 452 369 381 456 843 808
Coast 668 674 645 524 551 624 971 974
Central CA 911 762 859 768 759 732 1,316 1,454
Los Angeles 5,312 4,635 4,915 3,538 3,256 3,439 6,168 6,622
San Diego 1,141 1,040 1,125 894 827 847 1,452 1,511
WUE state 437 444 422 366 358 450 687 818
Other state 269 288 220 207 217 296 356 404
Foreign 61 50 56 35 36 60 56 87
5 5 3 0 3 1 9 1
Totals 13,219 12,264 12,641 10,060 9,818 10,624 17,961 18,943

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