Applicants Report Options
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Rows by Applicant type     by Residency     by Origin     by Ethnicity

To-date Academic year Excluding Redirected Active Admits by Residency
report generated: 16-JUL-24
Residency 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
AB540 40 43 73 79 75 48 22 24
CA resident 4,905 5,106 11,716 10,232 10,746 8,456 2,317 4,011
International (non-res fees) 75 56 65 39 48 32 46 69
International (resident fees) 28 21 21 18 14 3 8
Other state (non-res fees) 109 93 248 233 177 175 58 122
Other state (resident fees) 2 1 2 3 2 10 0
Undetermined 18 23 70 132 4 6 1 3
WUE 141 123 298 292 280 249 81 127
WUE grad 7 14 12 15 22 22 20 13
Totals 5,325 5,480 12,505 11,043 11,366 8,993 2,555 4,377

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