Program Participation Reports
Participation by Major ProgramBachelors: Fall /  Spring /  AY avg Masters: Fall /  Spring /  AY avg Credentials: Fall /  Spring /  AY avg
Enrollments in each Major OptionBachelors: Fall /  Spring /  AY avg Masters: Fall /  Spring /  AY avg Credentials: Fall /  Spring /  AY avg
Participation by Department and CollegeBachelors: Fall /  Spring /  AY avg Masters: Fall /  Spring /  AY avg Credentials: Fall /  Spring /  AY avg
Participation in Minor programsFall   /  Spring   /  AY avg    
Programs Offered through Extended EducationFall   /  Spring   /  AY avg    
* Notes:  Program participation counts reflect all students who have declared the indicated major program, minor, or credential as either a first, second, or third program. Post-baccalaureate students seeking a second bachelor's degree are included with bachelors major programs. These numbers will not sum to the total University enrollment because students may pursue more than one program. For aggregations at the department or college level, a student will be counted only once, even if they may be enrolled in more than one major program within that department or college. At the major program level, a student will be counted only once, even if they are enrolled in more than one option of a given major.
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Masters Major Program Participation- Fall terms
majorsall_Fall_M report generated: 02-OCT-24
Major Program
Fall 15
Fall 16
Fall 17
Fall 18
Fall 19
Fall 20
Fall 21
Fall 22
Fall 23
Fall 24

ECSocial Science2723272227261031422



ENGREngr & Community Practice0000000055

Environmental Systems (Engr)12242018141321191315

GEOLEnvironmental Systems (Geol)2443453322

MATHEnv Systems (Math Modeling)3100000000

NSNat Resources (Plan & Interp)8101112711110

Natural Resources21151716223125252834

Natural Resources (Fisheries)14121415181816171615

Natural Resources (Forestry)0221100000

Natural Resources (Wildlife)25253327242123282727

BUSBusiness Administration29292531313125261925


PSYCCounseling Psychology000000001023

Psychology (Academic Research)21273132293733363129

Psychology (Counseling)2113172623252419101

Psychology (School Psychology)2224333130283226167

School Psychology000000011019

SWSocial Work44464046404046424745