Program Participation Reports
Participation by Major ProgramBachelors: Fall /  Spring /  AY avg Masters: Fall /  Spring /  AY avg Credentials: Fall /  Spring /  AY avg
Enrollments in each Major OptionBachelors: Fall /  Spring /  AY avg Masters: Fall /  Spring /  AY avg Credentials: Fall /  Spring /  AY avg
Participation by Department and CollegeBachelors: Fall /  Spring /  AY avg Masters: Fall /  Spring /  AY avg Credentials: Fall /  Spring /  AY avg
Participation in Minor programsFall   /  Spring   /  AY avg    
Programs Offered through Extended EducationFall   /  Spring   /  AY avg    
* Notes:  Program participation counts reflect all students who have declared the indicated major program, minor, or credential as either a first, second, or third program. Post-baccalaureate students seeking a second bachelor's degree are included with bachelors major programs. These numbers will not sum to the total University enrollment because students may pursue more than one program. For aggregations at the department or college level, a student will be counted only once, even if they may be enrolled in more than one major program within that department or college. At the major program level, a student will be counted only once, even if they are enrolled in more than one option of a given major.
Return to Enrollment Data

Undergraduate Major Option Participation - Fall terms (includes second majors)
majorsallopts_Fall_U report generated: 09-OCT-23
Major Option
Fall 14
Fall 15
Fall 16
Fall 17
Fall 18
Fall 19
Fall 20
Fall 21
Fall 22
Fall 23

Anthropology (Archaeology)00000000013

Anthropology (Biological Anth)0000000009

Anthropology (Linguistic)0000000003

Anthropology (Sociocultural)0000000004


Art (Art Hist and Museum St)00000000216

Art (Education)43555350404036374542

Art (History)2923222625171920148

Art (Studio)225211200180172153125111130171

Fine Art, BFA000042324252323


CRGSCrit Race, Gender & Sexuality062856483646504642

IS - Crit Race, Gen & Sex5452312000000


English (Education)10000000816

English (Literary Studies)58485263484246422610

English (Teach the Lang Arts)69695059484853503017

English (Writing Practices)831068977826465603211

ENSTEnvironmental Studies76105133139135142135117124120


Geospatial Sci & Tech (ES & M)0000000007

Geospatial Sci & Tech (SocSci)0000000003


History (Education)36384651453840384132

Social Science (Education)1000000000

INTLINTL Std Global Cultural Stds0391010109722

INTL Std Latin American Stds0158357423

INTL Std Third World Dev Stds0364798640

INTL Studies Chinese Studies0013045312

INTL Studies Development Stds0000000012

INTL Studies European Studies008710410947

IS-INTL- Chinese Studies4400000000

IS-INTL- Cultural Studies7320000000

IS-INTL- European Studies121286100000

IS-INTL- Globalization Studies7110000000

IS-INTL- International Studies9610000000

IS-INTL- Intl Business Studies2200000000

IS-INTL- Latin Amer Studies151062100000

IS-INTL- Postcolonial African0100000000

IS-INTL-Third World Dev Stud5974100000

IS-INTLGlobal Cultural Studies6777000000

International Studies0857445384


Journalism (Broadcast News)412042000000

Journalism (Media Studies)111344200000

Journalism (News-Editorial)291253000000

Journalism (Public Relations)31212129101717142215

Journalism News00814274350463727


Music (Composition)6955322113

Music (Education)96542222912

Music (General Music Studies)1000000000

Music (Performance)191213116877610

NASNative American Studies73611191812111423

Natv Amer Studies (General)8321000000

Natv Amer Studies (Lang & Lit)0100000000

Natv Amer Studies (Law & Govt)3211010000

Natv Amer Studies (NRes & Env)2133000000

Natv Amer Studies (Soc & Cult)1010000000


POLIPolitical Sci(Env & Sustain)00001111101196

Political Sci(Global Politics)000096581115

Political Sci(Law & Policy)0000242834292120

Political Science1169893112645753403224

RSReligious Studies2526282816181881112

SOCCannabis Studies (Env Steward)0000000009

Cannabis Studies (Eq/Soc Just)0000000005

Criminology & Justice Studies150243244243227218191144116100



IS - Dance Studies21212021161713101316

Theatre Arts29444743393532303433

Theatre, Film & Dance (Film)13421000000

Theatre, Film & Dance(Theatre)21741100000

WLCFrench & Francophone Studies14121014101510735



Spanish (Education)8000000000

Biology (Cellular/Molecular)18117516015211910396947680

Biology (Ecol & Biodiversity)75646058552917310

Biology (Ecology)100002143385455

Biology (Environmental)4641343128208500

Biology (General)169168153158134124124107124127

Biology (Marine)25524619917617416413814015285

Biology (Microbiology)49453935332223192622

Biology (Science Education)12141512161681299

Biology (Special)1000000000


Marine Biology00000000077



Chemistry (Biochemistry)39627578686350433038

CSComputer Science112157189184162151146129151177

Software Engineering00000000023

ENGREnergy Systems Engineering00000000019

Environmental Resources Engr305290299280273252209172163152

Mechanical Engineering00000000085

ESMEMP Environ Educ & Interpretn3947478100000

EMP Environ Nat Res Planning52685012000000

EMP Environ Nat Res Recreation3739357100000

Environ Sci & Mngnt (Eco Resto000202194178183146200215

Environ Sci & Mngnt (Env P&P)00081896766494347

Environ Sci & Mngnt (Geos Sci)00029302415131412

Environ Sci & Mngnt(En & Clim)00063574431343834

Environ Sci & Mngnt(Env & NRR)0003342433728144

Environ Sci & Mngnt(Env Ed &I)00054615538323336

Environmental Managemnt & Prot3119285310000

Environmental Sci (Ecological18117919928300000

Environmental Sci (Energy and5059624000000

Environmental Sci (Environment49475214210000

Environmental Sci (Geospatial)1126294200000

Environmental Science67626818200000

Environmental Science & Mgmt0002000000

Nat Res Plng & Interp (Interp)2000000000

FISHFisheries Biology201720191100000

Fisheries Biology (Aquaculture0000000139

Fisheries Biology (Freshwater)33293732294435343741

Fisheries Biology (Marine)43384042373423232322

FWMApplied Fire Science & Mgmt00000000021


Forestry (Conservation)00304545177221

Forestry (Fire Management)00000000024

Forestry (Forest Operations)27281822242814132429

Forestry (Hydrology)32353331212013151718

Forestry (Resource Conserv)33341310500000

Forestry (Restoration)0000103229405060

Forestry (Soils)17172020211421131915

Forestry (Tribal Forestry)000000071513

Forestry (Wildland Fire Mgmt)54575357557564709162

Range Res Sci (Wildland Soils)2521191618151071015

Rangeland Resource Science34282826281921161621


Geology (Geoscience)17161182125101098

MATHData Science0000000009


Mathematics (Applied)1620282423262221112

Mathematics (Education)3530182327202515174


PHYXPhysical Science0000003433


Physics (Applied)5100000000

Physics (Astronomy)34342336323228251627

WLDFWLDF (Wldf Ecol Conserv Mgmt)000000000117

WLDF(Conserv Bio/App Vert Eco)137124107901011081059711971


Wildlife (Mgmt & Conservation)310309277260247237259261260171

Wildlife Management0200000000
CPSAPHKinesiology (Athl Training Ed)0100000000

Kinesiology (Education)62585152363526222329

Kinesiology (Ex Sci/Hlth Prom)21822621121318012611277278

Kinesiology (Exercise Science)0000000123855

Kinesiology (Health Promotion)00000009611

Kinesiology (Pre-Health Profe)0000000325772

Kinesiology (Pre-Phys Therapy)188211220210178152138783316

Liberal Studies-Recreation Adm102874928400000


Recreation Administration0194564807165383429

BUSBus Adm (New Venture Mgmt)00000038626644

Business Admin (Accounting)981081101101108572596158

Business Admin (Finance)52645954525656504341

Business Admin (International)39576041293014411

Business Admin (Management)153142173175144109721921

Business Admin (Marketing)10113012412513212595908580

Business Administration1141099388654453545649

Business Admn (Economics)000141110135810

CDCD & Fam Rel - Child & Fam Svc0000007121317

CD & Fam Rel - Special Studies00000012284642

CD & Fam Rel - Teaching0000007312321

Liberal St-Child Dev-Elem Ed231741916971011

Liberal Studies-Child Develop1661651771781431157137207


EDUCLiberal Studies-Elem Ed ITEP0000000003

Liberal Studies-Elementary Ed13214415016114612297857575

PSIS - Leadership Studies0000100000


SWSocial Work190214199162159164175152136136
GENSTGSIS - Individualized Degree00000000020

Liberal Studies0300000000

UNDACSU Fully Online UGRD07904816178199
