Applicants Report Options
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Rows by Applicant type     by Residency     by Origin     by Ethnicity

Final Academic year Admits by Residency
report generated: 26-SEP-24
Residency 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
AB540 101 120 102 104 91 69 46 40
CA resident 17,175 14,176 15,642 12,304 21,157 14,207 10,151 11,792
International (non-res fees) 91 65 81 48 55 33 50 73
International (resident fees) 28 21 23 18 14 3 8
Other state (non-res fees) 460 265 296 271 335 257 266 342
Other state (resident fees) 4 4 6 5 3 6 1
Undetermined 342 278 78 146 11 6 5 4
WUE 470 458 348 339 377 309 318 382
WUE grad 11 20 15 18 23 23 26 17
Totals 18,682 15,407 16,591 13,253 22,063 14,910 10,868 12,659

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